Amplifying global conversation.
A student blog
on human rights.

What are human rights?
“ All human beings are born free and
equal in dignity and rights . They are
endowed with reason and conscience
and should act towards one another in a
spirit of brotherhood . ”
— United Nations Charter, 1945
Human rights are rights intrinsic to us as human beings.
There is no discrimination as to who has human rights. Everyone is entitled to them regardless of race , gender ,
ethnicity , language , religion , and any other human characteristic that separates us from others.
What rights do we have?
On December 10, 1948, the United Nations adopted a list of 30 human rights. Among these are the right to work and education, freedom of speech, and the right to equal protection of the law.

What is Indivisible?
Indivisible is an advocacy blog exclusively for and by ASM's student community. While our posts are all centred on the topic of human rights and promoting action, they come in many mediums. To name a few, we take submissions in the form of articles, visual art, photography and creative writing. We don't intend to limit our submitters to just these, so you're welcome to enter a submission through a medium never seen before on this blog! Your submission can report on or explore a current human rights issue, commemorate a historical human rights issue and its development throughout time, spark a political debate on a disputed human rights movement, introduce us to a rights movement or organization, and much more! The possibilities are endless! Just like with submissions, never hesitate to tell us about a submission topic you think would be valuable to this blog!
Of course, we will always be present to help anyone new to the blog or the topic of human rights. Our Resources page may be helpful in learning more about human rights, advocacy and the many rights organizations and movements present today.
Currently, our team will be doing monthly submission rounds, with a set number of submissions. We want to personally engage and guide our contributors as best as we can to ensure they are confident in their contributions to advocacy. However, as Indivisible (hopefully) grows, we'd love to eventually keep our submission page open at all times! To learn more about the submission process, please visit our Contribute page!
Why a student blog?
We find it important to inform others and amplify sources of change to amass their support. Nonetheless, we can take a step further by involving others in human rights discussions in addition to informing them. We'd like to show that advocacy comes in many forms, not just through volunteer work or starting massive movements. What matters is that your contribution to a human rights campaign is meaningful to you and makes an impact.
We hope to promote advocacy by giving ASM's students an on-going opportunity for easy yet meaningful political engagement. Therefore, we highly encourage you to learn more about how you can be a part of Indivisible and submit a piece to get the conversation going! If you rather not submit anything for the time being, you can still help out by visiting our blog and, even better, sharing our posts to spread the word! As we said, advocacy comes in all forms, and this is just as important!